Rapier Fencing Club
For a full and comprehensive list of what each type of membership entails and a breakdown of our club programming, please refer to the programs tab.
Both RFC and CFF/MFA payments for the 5week session costs will be deducted from regular member costs in the event a 5week athlete wishes to become a full member.
The registration cost is broken down as follows:
For information on equipment rental, please refer to the registration form
Every athlete must make 2 separate payments. One to the club, and a second payment that is completed online, made out to the MFA/CFF (Manitoba Fencing Association, Canadian Fencing Federation) (see gold button).
All payments to be made to the CFF and the MFA must be paid online at the following URL:
* You must be registered with both the CFF and the MFA as an athlete and member of Rapier Fencing Club.
Beginners (5 week program)
Beginners can try out for 5 sessions (once a week), starting anytime during the season. Please confirm by email your start date, or if you would prefer to do a single drop in session. The fee for the 5 session is divided into three parts:
$90 - goes to the Rapier Fencing Club
$22.50 - goes to the Canadian Fencing Federation (CFF).
$72.50 - goes to the Manitoba Fencing Association (MFA).
350$ - refundable deposit on equipment
Note: The MFA does not have a specific 5 week program fee. You will need to purchase their standard 10week fee, which is the minimal feel for any MB fencer. If/when an athlete wishes to upgrade their membership to a full year membership, the cost of the MFA/CFF membership will count against the cost of an upgraded full year membership. Please contact the Manitoba Fencing Association with any questions.
Regular members:
Regular members can register for once a week training session. The fees are divided as follows:
240$ - goes to Rapier Fencing Club registration (full year, once a week)
$22.50 goes to the Canadian Fencing Federation (CFF).
$95 goes to the Manitoba Fencing Association (MFA).
350$ - refundable deposit on equipment
Note: The cost of the Regular Member fee will drop to 120$ if registration is made after January 31st.
Provincial Squad and Advanced members:
The advanced members receive an extra 1.5 hours every Monday (3hrs total weekly training), which will be geared towards competitive fencing, with 30min of high intensity bouting with the provincial team, strength and condition and group lessons. Advanced members are eligible to train during the Regular Member scheduled training times, or they can come specifically for the advanced slot.
460$ - goes to Rapier Fencing Club registration (full year, once a week)
$22.50 goes to the Canadian Fencing Federation (CFF).
$117.50 goes to the Manitoba Fencing Association (MFA).
350$ - refundable deposit on equipment
Note: The cost of the Advanced Member fee will drop to 230$ if registration is made after January 31st.
Provincial, Intermediate and high performance team members:
For RFC members who are also enrolled in Manitoba fencing's intermediate or high Performance Fencing programs.
240$ - goes to Rapier Fencing Club registration (full year, once a week)
$22.50 goes to the Canadian Fencing Federation (CFF).
$117.50 goes to the Manitoba Fencing Association (MFA).
Online registration form